Although we are offering both in-person and remote learning now, we know that changes in public health protocol could happen at any time. In fact, as this newsletter goes to press, several of New Jersey’s larger districts have announced additional delays in returning to in-person learning. We are using this time to make sure that all of our students have the prerequisite skills to manage their devices independently, and their logins to use online learning tools.

“As the lockdown began last spring, we made sure that all of our students had access to technology at home, so they did not miss a beat,” said Brian Detlefsen. The technology coordinator at The Forum School works with each family to ensure 100% had internet connectivity so students could log on to learn.

“We are thrilled to provide in-person learning at our school, but roughly 15% of our students have opted for remote instruction. We know those numbers will change as the winter progresses. By training every student how to use the technology now, they will be ready for whatever happens next,” he concluded.