Therapies “Wrap Around” Forum School Students
JoAnn Telesh thinks the term “wrap around” is a great way to describe the interconnection of therapies provided at The Forum School. As the Water [...]
JoAnn Telesh thinks the term “wrap around” is a great way to describe the interconnection of therapies provided at The Forum School. As the Water [...]
Forum School student are working hard to make sure that friends and neighbors will not go hungry this winter. They are collecting food for the Center for Food Action, a non-profit group based in Bergen County whose mission is to prevent hunger and homelessness and improve the lives of individuals and families living in poverty.
Three quick tips for facilitating langugae development in students with disabilities. These tips were inlcuded in our Fall 2017 newsletter.
Cross curriculum and cross environment are mainstays for targeting essential elements of language and for generalizing new knowledge. Work in the therapy room can support academic language needed in math, reading, science and social studies.
Transition-aged students at The Forum School are learning job readiness skills hands-on, through a unique partnership with Ramsey Auto Group, a family-owned auto dealership in Ramsey.
Students on the autism spectrum often need direct instruction in areas that come more naturally for other children – play and recreation skills are among [...]
This winter, The Forum School brought the Shakespeare classic Romeo and Juliet to life in ways that resonated for students. Approaching Romeo and Juliet through a series called “No Fear Shakespeare,” we introduced students to the classic tale of love.
The Forum School recently hosted a special evening event for families, caregivers and advocates to arm them with information needed to prepare for life after [...]
You can do it... We can help.... As part of community based learning, our students went to The Home Depot today to learn to make [...]