One full year – 365 days – into this pandemic, and we have all grown tired and weary. But even on the hardest days, I try to look for a silver lining.

Forum School Remote Instruction Zoom Screen GrabIn spite of ‘social distancing,’ in some ways, The Forum School family is more connected than ever. Our staff are working hard and at all hours to collaborate and solve problems together, meeting a range of new and complex challenges head on. Our students, even though they may be in different zip codes, are getting academics and their therapies, virtually with teachers and staff. More than that, they are connecting online, enjoying a virtual “lunch room” experience together and making art together.

When our building is open for learning – which is most of the time – two out of three students are in the building learning in classrooms, and following COVID safety protocol. Live learning does not end when we need to make a shift to remote learning; our teachers and related services professionals provide online live instruction and therapies. And at every turn, families always have the option to choose what is best for them.

It has not been easy. Our teachers are doing everything under the sun to make learning fun and engaging – from hatching chicks in their own kitchens to making ‘math smoothies.’

Our staff also know when a student – and their family – need more support because they are literally right there in the home, on screen, to model for parents and help them build skills. We check in twice a week – not on the status of homework, but on the status of the heart and mind, to make sure families and students have the support and resilience they need to keep going.

Best regards,
Brian Detlefsen, Director