Partnership with Ramsey Auto Offers Students Real Work Experience
Transition-aged students at The Forum School are learning job readiness skills hands-on, through a unique partnership with Ramsey Auto Group, a family-owned auto dealership in Ramsey.
FUNctional Recreation: Learning to Play, Playing to Learn
Students on the autism spectrum often need direct instruction in areas that come more naturally for other children – play and recreation skills are[...]
Friendships and Skills
Transition Partnership with Ramapo College Builds Positive Relationships This winter, The Forum School launched an innovative partnership with leaders at Ramapo College and now,[...]
Accessible Shakespeare
This winter, The Forum School brought the Shakespeare classic Romeo and Juliet to life in ways that resonated for students. Approaching Romeo and Juliet through a series called “No Fear Shakespeare,” we introduced students to the classic tale of love.
Leading the Next Generation of Educators
Vicki Ofmani, M.Ed, LDT-C, The Forum School’s Supervisor of Instruction and Structured Learning Experience Coordinator, has been busy this spring. In February, she was[...]
Ready for What Comes Next
The Forum School recently hosted a special evening event for families, caregivers and advocates to arm them with information needed to prepare for life[...]
Welcome to Our New Website
We've updated our website to provide a better online experience for our school community, families seeking an appropriate school for their child, and our[...]
Important Information Regarding PSE&G Construction Work
Please read the attached letter from PSE&G regarding construction work happening near The Forum School beginning on Monday, March 14th, 2016. PSEG