Forum 1

About Forum 1

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So far Forum 1 has created 85 blog entries.

Snow Day

By |2021-04-07T18:44:38-04:00February 10, 2021|News|

In early February, we called a good-old fashioned snow day. No in-person learning. No remote learning. No homework. Just SNOW learning. Here is what a [...]

Q&A: Joe Neubert, Principal

By |2021-03-19T21:08:31-04:00December 13, 2020|News|

New this fall, the Readers’ Workshop is a balanced literacy approach that engages students in the reading process while fostering a passion for reading. The program is student-centered and empowers children to make reading choices from books that are “just right” for them.

Civic Engagement

By |2021-03-19T21:00:53-04:00November 18, 2020|News|

The 2020 General Election provided a perfect backdrop for our students to learn about government, the electoral process, democracy and yes, voting rights for those with disabilities!

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