Brian Detlefsen, Principal

Brian Detlefsen, Principal

Ask any teacher at The Forum School and they will tell you that the hardest part of getting back to in-person learning during the pandemic is the absence of personal connection with our students.. No more ‘high-fives’ in the hall, or pats on the back, no more handshakes or hugs – at least for now.

We were ready for the other challenges everyone told us about: “The kids will never wear a mask…”(they learned); “Behaviors will be much more challenging…”(they were not); “Students will have regression…”(they are learning now); “They can never ride the bus with a mask on…” (they did); “They will not be able to social distance…”(they can); “They will not be able to stay at their desks for that long…”(they do).

Masked student working on project during in-school instruction at The Forum SchoolI am proud to say that months of planning and preparation allowed us to develop safety protocol and practices that allow students to learn in the building, and that keep everyone safe.

Since we reopened our doors to in-person learning last summer, we really have found a new normal – one with daily temperature checks at the door, constant hand washing, and masks.

And because we are small, with fewer than 150 people in the building at any given time, we are able to ensure that classrooms, hallways and public spaces are never crowded.

Some families opted to continue with remote learning. We know these decisions are personal and difficult. Our teachers work hard to build an inclusive classroom climate and culture so every student feels connected to the class and the larger school community.

This has been a challenge for sure, but the students, families and staff have been amazing. If – and when, things change again, we will adapt. We will teach our students to adapt. After all, THAT IS what we do.

Best regards,
Brian Detlefsen, Principal